Variation of Personal Dialect Analysis

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There are many different dialects across the world. They can change depending on your region, your age or even your gender. Many people would react to a different dialect as wrong or they want to try and eliminate it. When in reality, both are correct. They just sound incorrect due to the fact they are not accustomed to hearing it. If English is just one language, why are there so many different ways to speak it? The study of dialects or the variations in language from one place to another provides the answers. In observing my own dialect, I have found three words or phrases I say or pronounce differently from the people around me. One is the pronunciation of the word ketchup. Two is the word used to describe a spinning maneuver preformed while driving a vehicle. Three is the normality of the question, “Do you have fry sauce?” in different states.
Even distances as short as Utah to Idaho can have differences in how they pronounce certain words. The word “ketchup”, for instance, is pronounced regularly with a short “e” sound here in Idaho. But down in Utah, which is where I am from,...

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