Vaccination Should Be Mandatory

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Vaccinations are designed to save lives by providing immunity to certain diseases. These small but complex doses have saved lives all around the world. Vaccination are highly and widely considered one of mankind’s greatest inventions. Due to the fact that the general public's health is directly impacted, vaccines should be mandated.

Unlike many medical breakthroughs, the success rate of vaccinations are apparent in the numbers and statistics. In the U.S forty-two thousand lives are saved in a year, alone, due to vaccines. That is three times more than the number of lives that seat belts and child restraints, combined, save. Just as seatbelts are seen as a safety tool, vaccinations are too. On account of this, adults all throughout the nation refuse to fall behind on vaccinations. In fact, …show more content…

Similarly, ninety-one percent of children from the age of nineteen to thirty-five months are undergoing measles, mumps and rubella shots. Overall, seventy-two point two percent of children are obtaining a combination of seven vaccine series before the age of thirty six months. Families throughout American history have trusted vaccinations to keep their children safe. The traditional routine of a parent keeping their children’s vaccinations up to date is still implemented to this day. Although, some people opposed of vaccinations argue that vaccines can cause more harm than good, the outcome of a vaccination is in most cases beneficial to one's health. For example according to the Immunization Partnership

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