Uustal Ethical Decision Making Model Essay

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We have one resident in the long-term facility who has stage four cancer of spinal cord and he has been suffering from intense pain. Every time when I enter his room, he cries and implore to the god that he can minimize his suffering. He has prescription of hydromorphone 8 mg every 4 hourly PRN , oxycodone 5 mg every 6 hourly and 50 mcg of fentanyl path change every 3rd day. After giving all scheduled and PRN medicine his pain level remains same as before. When I see that patients I feel like to give highest dose of medicine as well as alternative pain management therapy so that he can have some comfort but ethically I have no right to do that. He is hospice but he has no comfort at all. Following are the nine steps of Uustal ethical decision making model. …show more content…

In my opinion cancer patients can alternative pain management and higher dose of pain medicine so that they can have some comfort during their stage of dying. Step 3: Take into consideration factors that relate to the situation and generate alternatives for resolving the dilemma. Alternatives would be prescription of different dose of PRN and regular pain medicines and alternative pain treatment such as implanted pain pumps, nerve block therapy, massage therapy, relaxation and guided imagery , chiropractic treatment and oncology rehabilitation so that level of pain can be minimized. Step 4: Examine and categorize the alternatives. Identify those that are consistent and inconsistent with your personal values. Availability of nerve block therapy, chiropractic treatment and high dose of pain medicine which will promote numbness, reduce sciatic nerve pain, minimize fatigue and decrease pain sensation. Similarly, implanted pain pumps which delivers a medicine directly to the spinal cord and symptoms can be controlled by smaller dose than needed dose with oral medication. Step 5: Predict all possible outcomes for those acceptable

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