Uses And Benefits Of Homemade Cerelac For Babies

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Homemade Cerelac for Babies

We are always in a hurry and want everything to be instant. We have got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food which is available quickly but it isn’t very nutritious and may also be preserved using various chemicals. In spite of the fact that they are more harmful for the body, we do not bother about our health a lot. However, when it comes to babies, a mother can go to any length to ensure that her baby is getting adequate nutrition.

Parents tend to choose all natural products when it comes to children. New born babies are susceptible to infections and allergies from commercial products and may develop unnecessary digestion risks. The cerelac available in the market is definitely very easy to prepare but …show more content…

It is completely preservative-free and this gives immense satisfaction to the mother when she feeds her child a healthy meal.

Helps to regulate baby’s bowel movement

The wheat dalia is an essential means of carbohydrate which is the building block for the baby. It will also regulate the bowel movements of the baby very methodically. Proper hydration is required before and after feeding the baby so that digestion occurs in a very smooth process.
Can be stored

Homemade cerelac can be stored in fridge up to two days. Make sure you warm the food to a gentle temperature.
No need to give commercial milk

Many mothers choose to avoid commercial milk, as it contains several non-digestible elements which becomes difficult for the baby to digest leading to constipation so homemade cerelac is the best option for them.

Helps in Gaining Weight

This is best way to make your child gain some weight. It contains all the essential nutrients and is very filling. It also helps to boost the baby’s

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