Use of Taboo Words in Conversation

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In this “English as a Second Language” class, students will be learning how to communicate and understand conversations for interactions in normal life in the English language. To be able to understand informal conversations students will need to know some of the slurs and swear words in the English language. Students will also need to understand the context which they are used in, whether a word is being used in a joking manner, an insult, or as a word to add emotion to what is being said. This is why we will be taking two class periods to talk about swearing in English. We will not be teaching how to swear in English, but informing students about swearing in the English language, because there is a big difference. If we do not educate students on swear words in English they may fall victim to some uncomfortable situations when they are out participating in society. ( this is kinda hard to understand) Whether we inform the students about the swear words or not, they are going to hear them out in the real world. If we do not teach them about these words they could pick some (reads better) words up and end up using them in the wrong context, which (runon sentanec) getting them in some personal trouble or offending people of the public. If we teach the students about the words,by teach I mean inform about the words, and how taboo it is in society, how it’s used as an insult, how it is used to show emotion, ect. Then they will be able to understand how the words are being used in context, and if they choose to use these words they will be able to use them in the right context and not offend anyone. (This is a new thought. It needs to be a new paragraph!) However, we will also be recommending that they refrain from using the swear w... ... middle of paper ... ...ociety. People who do not speak English as a native language are going to hear these words whether they are taught them or pick them up through casual conversation. By informing them about these words as they are learning the language, they can better understand the impact that these certain words have on someone. There is a big difference between teaching them how to swear, and informing them about swearing. As I have showed above, in this class these students will be informed about swearing, and recommended not to because it is hard to feel the power behind these words if you are not a native speaker. To help with this problem, they will learn what the meaning behind the words are, and why the words have such a strong impact. Informing these students about swear words will help them understand the language more, which in turn will help them blend in society better.

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