Use Of Stylistic Elements In Jfk's Inaugural Address

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The timelessness of JFK and his inaugural address is highlighted in Eleanor Craft’s essay “Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration: 50 Years On”. His legacy and ideals have persevered over the decades, and will continue to do so. Although Craft’s essay and JFK’s inaugural address both utilize different stylistic elements to support their purposes, they are equally effective in conveying and proving their purposes to their audiences. Out of the stylistic elements employed throughout JFK's inaugural address, one of the more prominent stylistic events is repetition. By repeating words, JFK is able to put an emphasis on keywords that help further push his point across, and are important to and support his purpose. JFK constantly …show more content…

Eleanor Craft uses tone in her essay ,"Inside Kennedy's Inauguration: 50 Years On", to affect the reader's thoughts and feelings toward JFK. During the essay, she uses a positive and light tone when describing JFK and when using quotes from others. She does this by using positive words and telling heartening stories about JFK that one might not already know. On page 76 she tells the story of how he integrated the Coast Guard, " He said 'Dick did you see the Coast Guard in the parade? There was not a single black face, and I want you to do something about it right away'. So I told Dillon and within a few months to Coast Guard was integrated.". This story portrays JFK in a positive tone because it shows him getting something done as soon as he was in office, not something most presidents do. It also shows that he had no racial bias, and wanted the best for all Americans. Craft also employs an informal tone throughout the essay. He does this by using quotes from people close to JFK, like his family. Through using stories and anecdotes from JFK's family, the essay begins to make the reader feel as if they knew JFK personally, or were apart of the family. At one point, Joan Kennedy mentions when she went into the coal mines with JFK to campaign, " 'You could be in a coal mine and two months later be inaugurated president' ". This anecdote creates a positive and informal tone because it shows how JFK tried to relate to the American people, even going

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