Use Of Propaganda In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell published in 1975 that reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917. The novel provides an effective use of propaganda techniques by the pigs to manipulate the meaning of equality, freedom and unity in Orwells speech and how they completely abolish the values and attitudes of ‘animalism’. There are many values such as equality, freedom and unity incorporated in Old Major’s speech that commenced the revolution. It appears all animals had the same values but that was until the pigs destroyed it. They use verbal techniques to destroy the values and this played a major effect on the animals who know nothing more than to follow in the footsteps of their new leaders. Furthermore, …show more content…

The author pushes forward repetition with not only his repeated address “comrades” but with pronouns such as “we, our and us”. Old Major seeks to foster a strong sense of unity among the animals by using vocabulary that targets all animals instead of a selection. The pigs abolished unity completely. For instance, when they kicked snowball out of the farm, the unity in ALL animals was broken. When the pigs started to do what men do like stand on two legs, live in the house and wear clothes, old major’s principle was broken because they had accumulated common interest with man. Given these facts it is clear to see the manipulation of old major’s speech but the use of manipulation would not have got them so far without the power of language that separated them from all other …show more content…

Squealer particularly used the power of language in such a smart and complex way, even the smarter animals believed that the pigs’ evil actions were acceptable. Consequently, Old Majors’ template for Animalism is distorted to suit the pigs’ selfish needs. Squealer, provides Napoleons voice and acts as minister of propaganda. Every time an animal questioned Napoleon, Squealer uses his skill with language to convince the animals that Napoleon was only acting in their best interests. **you need a quotation that shows an animal questioning and Squealer convincing that it’s in their best interests. Then you need to explain and analyse it before moving on to new evidence. Moreover, Squealer often preyed on the animals’ confusion when changes were made to the commandments. For instance, when he changes the commandments about sleeping in a bed to add, “with sheets” (p. ) Clover notices the added words but did not say anything out of fear when Squealer says, "Surely, none of you wishes to see Jones back?" (p. ). Their ability to manipulate the often-vague meanings of each commandment attributed to their power of language. Squealer abused the powers of language to manipulate the animals of the farm into thinking that the farm was a beautiful society flourishing with life and freedom, when in fact, it was quite the opposite. You need to mention and discuss

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