Usain Bolt Was White Analysis

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What if Donald Trump was black. What if Bill Gates was Chinese? What if Usain Bolt was white? Would that really matter? The truth is that they would still be the talented people that they are, but they would just look different on the outside. Take an M&M. There are a variety of colors on the outside, but on the inside, they look the same and taste the same. Sometimes, people tend to show preferences towards one color than another even though they are exactly the same. That’s our world's current racial ideas in a nutshell. Some people believe that certain races are superior in certain ways. This is depicted in the book, A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History, by Nicholas Wade. He believes that the Chinese tend to be more obedient, while members of African tribal societies are more likely to consume rather than save. …show more content…

Another book that depicts this is Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua. Like Wade, Chua argues that some racial groups are simply superior, although she would not necessarily agree with all of Wade's points. Wade believes that the Chinese are sheeplike followers, Chua believes that her cultural inheritance has filled her with assertiveness. She raised her daughters strictly, "the Chinese way," pushing them as hard as possible to succeed later in

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