Us Involvement In Rwanda Genocide

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These readings brought a disturbing realization and understanding on the diplomacy that took place during the Rwandan Genocide. It was astonishing to see that the United States government was absent for most of the genocide, and made no attempt in stopping the genocide until it was severely out of control. There were several places within these readings that gave proof to the negligence of the national policies preventing genocide. For example, the Presidential Decision Directive 25 original called for the protection of civilians in areas of civil war and the providence of humanitarian assistance for people who were in need. However, the United States policy did a complete three-sixty and called for intervention if the country favored our interests. I understand our government had fears …show more content…

The U.N. feared that any action between Belgium troops and Rwandan military factions would eliminate the United Nations “neutrality.” I find this to be absurd and the U.N. violated their own international policies that were set in place. If the UNAMIR were fired upon or felt threatened they had the right to fire back, but the U.N. insisted that they stand down. Several countries refused to extend the mandate as well. They wanted all foreigners out and then the evacuation of troops. I found this to be outrageous because several officials knew the events that were unfolding. It was also interesting to read that ten Belgium troops died, and the UNAMIR did nothing because they were following orders from the U.N. to stand down. If the U.N. would have given the troops what they needed within Rwandan, I would dare say this genocide would not have even happened. The Rwandan government knew that the U.N. would not act and therefore they were able to commit genocide. If the UNAMIR would have taken action when the ten Belgium troops died it could have potentially stopped the genocide and saved many Tutsis and Hutus

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