Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological System

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Writing Exercise #1 A. In Urie Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory, he explores 5 different layers of a child's environment. The first or innermost layer of the theory is the microsystem. It is the tightest and most intricate dynamic that involves people living in the home, the child's school or daycare, as well as the neighborhood the child is living in. These delicate relationships meld together to form the microsystem. This layer affects the developing individual by shaping their ideas and moral design to match those of the people who make up the microsystem. This is the layer where inconsistences are likely to form. Since in America the average family has about 3 children per home, there is a high chance these children will have siblings that are developing alongside of them. This is when situations that correlate with evocative gene-environment will arise. Most parents and or caregivers will favor a child due to their calm demeanor or intelligence level and will treat that child better or differently. The other child or children in the home will most likely recognize these inconsistences and possibly have a negative effect on their development. The second layer in the system is the mesosystem. This consists of different aspects of the ecological system working together to improve, or in some cases, disturb the development of a …show more content…

My biggest support throughout my hardships in life are undeniably my youngest sister. She's the reason why I did everything I could to maintain my composure even when I felt like giving up and living outside my home with a family member. I knew that I would not be able to bring her with me, so I stayed and tried to make the best out of my situation. When I was considerably younger, my mother was also a strong support until I started to age and could see her fault in my upbringing. Consequently, my encouragement and foundation came from a 6-pound 5 ounce, chubby, blonde, baby sister that I could barely pick up as she

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