Unrealistic Images Of Healthy Women Essay

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Majority of the advertisements in magazines present the bodies of women in unrealistic fashions and it is rare to see women with a healthy body size. Photoshop has become a tool that fixes all “imperfections,” even ones that don’t exit. The problem with portrayals of beauty in magazine advertisements is that they convince society, mainly other women, that a certain body type is the norm while all others are abnormal. The media showcase women as being ultra-thin and promote this as being the ideal body type. This body type is highly unattainable and in the process of trying to gain the perfect body shape, there is the possibility of gaining an eating disorder and low self-esteem. It is important to explore this topic more because the advertisements with these images could cause body …show more content…

Do images of healthy women have no affect at all? Do images of women of a larger size evoke a different feeling? What emotions do women have when looking at different body types? We don’t know what mental state that person may be in when they make the decision to pursue an eating disorder. We also don’t know if the effects of looking at unrealistic images is a temporary feeling that goes away or if it lingers to build up into a self-destructive thought process. With my research, I hope to understand the correlation between the portrayal of body images and the variation in the frame of mind about one’s body. I would like to understand how advertisements in the magazines can cause women to resort to eating disorders and feeling body dissatisfaction. At what point do they see the images and decide that they would be willing to try anything to reach that image of beauty being portrayed. The research question I would like to focus on is how negative portrayals of body image in magazine advertisements affect the physical and mental health of young

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