Unpaid Internships Case Study

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Would you want to work for free? Without receiving money or school credit for your work? Sadly, this is a situation many universities have set up for their students, benefitting themselves and corporations. Universities must put the students first, not themselves, by providing school credit towards graduation and by ensuring that internships posted on campus and campus websites are paid internships. Explanation of Problem Unpaid internships only benefit universities instead of the students partaking in the internships. Universities are able to make money off the internships and countless students will not receive any academic credit for their work. The problem with several of these internships is that they often have little to do with the …show more content…

Without receiving money or school credit for your work? Sadly, this is a situation many universities have set up for their students, benefitting themselves and corporations. Universities must put the students first, not themselves, by providing school credit towards graduation and by ensuring that internships posted on campus and campus websites are paid internships. Explanation of Problem Unpaid internships only benefit universities instead of the students partaking in the internships. Universities are able to make money off the internships and countless students will not receive any academic credit for their work. The problem with several of these internships is that they often have little to do with the students major or if they do the student may not be receiving credit towards their degree. A growing number of the students are having to juggle the stress of school and an internship. Students are further stressed if the internship is not bringing in an income, forcing them to have at least one other job to suffice. Another problem with unpaid internships is that schools often do not have the time to completely monitor them even if they do promote the internship. Universities do not have the time to go to the internships and be sure that the businesses are being fair to the students. Corporations are easily getting their hands on eager college students wanting to get ahead and universities are not protecting students. Consequently schools are jeopardizing breaking labor laws by not monitoring internships they

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