University Diner Air Conditioning System

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The 49er University Diner here on campus is a great place for students and employees to dine with its healthy, sustainable, and cultural dining options. The University Diner provides a great place to eat, relax, study, and hang out. Unfortunately, problems arise during times of hot weather, and this affects the University Diner causing excessive humidity and changes in people’s behavior. This climate problem can affect customer’s choice, causing them to avoid the University Diner. Additionally, employees’ behaviors to work effectively and efficiently is affected by the heat that can cause low performance. Trust me, as a student and former employee of the 49er University Diner, I have experienced it.
One way to solve the humidity problem is to install an air conditioning system in the diner. My aim in this proposal is to ensure that the diner can attract more customers and manage temperature control, keeping guests and employees happy. Without an air conditioning system the diner may not well see …show more content…

Before the meeting, the departments should prepare themselves and think of the positive and negative outcomes that can happen to their own department as well as for the whole University Diner. This will help everyone understand the situation at the meeting.
After conducting a meeting, a plan should be made and complete. This process shows all the outlines of who, what, when, where, why, and how the plan will go. In addition, closely look if maintaining a working capital while reconstructing the diner, will have any affect for customers and employees. Everyone should come to an agreement with the completed plan.
At last, if the agreement of the plan is a success it should follow through and proceed to install the air conditioning system. Also, make sure everyone at campus are notified of the construction that will be implemented so that the whole campus will be aware.

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