Unit Plan For 8th Graders

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The most challenging part of creating a unit plan is knowing the depth of information to provide for the students, especially when creating a unit plan for 8th graders. I am not always sure how far I should go in my curriculums and because I already know a lot of in-depth information about my lessons, I second guess myself on whether I am adding enough objectives for students to learn. I also believe that time management might be an issue for me as well. It is easy for me to get distracted when certain topics arise and since so many topics in science are related to each other. I fear that I might add side notes that may confuse my students, shift their focus or lose their interest. So staying focused and making sure that I do not confuse my …show more content…

I used this guideline when creating my second unit plan. I wanted my 8th grade students to be able to identify the organelles in an animal cell and also know their function. I plan on introducing this topic by showing students an interesting YouTube video that use animations to summarize all the organelle in an animal cell. Then I will assign an independent assignment where each student will explore one organelle in detail and complete information on that organelle by describing the organelle, explaining the function/role, and identifying a person or a thing that performs the same function/role as that organelle. Students will place their answers on a shared google document that will be displayed on a projector during class. My students will use this jigsaw method as a study guide. Since I had an idea of what my objective would be, I thought that it will be beneficial to have the class create a study guide that they can easily refer too for exams. I also planned an assignment where students would build a 3d model of their assigned organelle, which they will place on a large Styrofoam animal cell diagram. Therefore, the class will have access to a live cell diagram that can also be used for study purposes. To monitor my students’ progress I plan on assigning an online activity homework that allows students to review each organelle and take a short quiz to test their understanding afterwards. Students will also present their 3D model organelle and explain the function/role in front of the

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