Unit 2 Health And Social Care Case Study

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1. What three categories of risk factors are covered in this chapter? Name and explain briefly any two factors falling into each category.
• Social Factor – Poverty is one factors that when the people cannot supplied the resources to maintain a family or the living standard. This could have a relation to crime because people that are poor they could experience discrimination, unhealthy conditions, and no opportunities to work. Another, social factor is the group influences on rejected youths, some youths will search peers that will understand them or they will be like them to filled up that feeling of rejection and normally those groups provide a negative impact to the youth. (page 31,35)
• Parental and family Factor- single –parent household is a factor where the kid lives most of the time with the mother and a few with their father. This factor is blamed to created much delinquency and be a high risk factor. Other factor that impacts the Youngers kids is the influence of siblings. If the siblings have negative qualities or delinquency activities and the youth spend time with that person, he will start act like his sibling and even imitate their behavior.
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Lack of empathy is when a person cannot feel or understand the feelings of another person; this factor will help to committed violent crimes because they will not feel bad for the violence they inflicted to their victims.

2. Discuss the relevance of peer rejection to ongoing antisocial behavior.
• Peer rejection is the early factor for be involved in an antisocial behavior or delinquency. The rejection of peer have an important impact of the development of the person helping them to have a good social

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