Unhealthy Lifestyle

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Teen lifestyles have rehabilitated drastically over the last 20 years, and many unhealthy habits have formed for teens as a result.

Most fast food places have disproportionate calories in each meal. Fast food and periods of long inactivity are to blame for over weigh problems (Driscoll, UCLA newsroom). Most teens use fast food as a quick way for meals that are completely full fat. (Driscoll, UCLA newsroom) Most fast food places have excessive calories in each meal that can be treacherous to health.(Driscoll UCLA newsroom) Some fast food meals have more calories than the recommended in one day. Nearly three-quarters of California teenagers live in areas overcrowded with fast food places.(Driscoll, UCLA newsroom) .Consumption of fast food and soda leads to excess calories. The more fast food places in one town the more teens are at risk to eat unhealthy. Teens in unhealthy neighborhood (like those filled with fast food places) were 17% more likely to drink a soda every day. (Driscoll UCLA newsroom)

Teens commonly put a lot in looking attractive and can be effected by weight. Obesity has leads to social complications and can also lower self-esteem. (FastfoodObesiy.net) Obesity can lead to diabetes and other life threading disorders. Most teens are not aware of overweight health problems and need to be better informed. (FastfoodObesiy.net) The two main subsidizing factors of weight problem in teens are eating habits and lack of exercise. If teen obesity is left without proper care it will carry into adulthood. Some overweight teens have parents who don’t have time for their children that lead to quick meals and inoperativeness. (FastfoodObesiy.net) Parents should encourage their teens to be active as much as possible. (FastfoodObes...

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Published July, 27 2011, september,19 2011


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