Unhealthy Foods Rhetorical Analysis

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As Leo Burnett, the owner of Leo Burnett Worldwide, said himself, “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” People are exploited by advertisements to do whatever the advertiser wants them to do and it just so happens that a large portion of the advertisements is made up of unhealthy foods. Advertisements can heavily influence people to buy these unhealthy foods so why not fight fire with fire and advertise for fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and products with natural sugars should be advertised to the extent that processed foods and products with artificial/added sugars are. A great portion of the information having to do with this concept is the price of the foods. Many people prefer to argue that people eat unhealthy foods more because it is cheaper than healthy fresh foods. It is true that unhealthy processed food prices have gone down by 30% but the prices of fresh foods, such as fruits and vegetables …show more content…

Many studies have shown that children can be effortlessly molded at a young age from the advertisement of sweets and other unhealthy foods affecting what they will buy later in their lifetime. Many people assume there is not a considerable difference between aspartame (an artificial sweetener) and honey or that aspartame is of higher quality because there are no calories and they both have so many added substances that there really is not a significant difference between the two (Wilson, Landau & Christen, 2013). But, natural and artificial sugars are processed differently in our bodies (Wilson, Landau & Christen, 2013). Artificial sweeteners are designed to trigger a receptor that usually only feels abundant amounts of sugar giving the sweetener more of a kick than natural sugars keeping you hungry for more (Wilson, Landau & Christen,

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