Unemployment In Vanuatu Essay

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Unemployment in Vanuatu
Unemployment in Vanuatu is one of the problems that affect most of the young people today. Vanuatu is an island state in the Pacific where people find it very difficult to get a good qualify job. Thus, earning money for survival becomes very difficult. For instance, paying for school fees, food, clothes and other things that are needed inside the home. Unemployment is defined as a person who is actively searching for employment and is unable to find work. According to Simions he states that “life was desperately hard for people who were unemployed” (Simions, M.1972, p.131). In addition, it is either because the person is not well educated or has a very narrow knowledge about a particular subject. This essay is going to examine on some of the causes, effects and the approaches on how to solve the problem in a society like Vanuatu and the recommendation on how to resolve unemployment in Vanuatu.
Most of the people in Vanuatu today were unemployed. People do not have good qualifications to get highly paid jobs. For example, CFO, managers, engineers and so forth. In addition, according to Bell, R. and Hall.R (1991, p, 286) argues that, unequal access to education, schools and universities and courses are too often irrelevant to the actual needs of the people tend to limit the effects of education. Furthermore most of the people do not attend schools due to lack of financial support them have a good education. Sometimes the child is willing to learn but there is no parental support inside the home. For example, parents do not think very seriously about the future of the children whether they were going to have a better and bright future or not. Most of the labors in Vanuatu today were unskillful. In addition, p...

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...ration on of the effects of unemployment in Vanuatu by giving priority to education and investing more on children.Furthermore, building more schools in rural areas for all the children to have access to go to school. In addition, government must support more in sports activities so that youths will be involves more in sports than criminal activities. People must know the importance of education and work towards the goal they want to achieve in life, for the betterment of their families and Vanuatu as a whole.

(960 words)
Bell,R,& Hall,R. (1991). Impacts contemporary issues & global problems. Sydney: the Jakaranda press.
Shah. A. (n. d.) what are the causes of poverty? Retrieved March 24, 2013,from http://www.globalissues.org/issues/2/causes of poverty.
Simions, M. (1972). Poverty and Wealth in cities and villages, London: Oxford university press.

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