Understanding Of Government Essay

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The question of why understanding the American government is important to me as an individual made me pause and really think about the answer. I believe that by understanding the government and how it works it allows me to better understand my place in society and how I can make an impact, whether it be in my career or otherwise. Before I took this class, I use to believe when people would say that one vote does not matter. Now, I know for a fact that one vote does not matter, but when you can get a group of votes together those votes matter. This is why the ability to gerrymander districts has become prevalent and important to the way politics is contested. This shows how important Black and minority votes truly are. For example, during election …show more content…

This shows that as a Black person are vote means something, and with an understanding of government I could create a platform in order to further educate my people and other minority groups about the power of votes and how we can use that to force the change that we want done in society. Knowledge of our government and how it works gives me this feeling that if you can mobilize and educate others and spread that knowledge that you can change things. Martin Luther King Jr., for example, used the political influence that he had acquired as one of the most respected leader of the Civil Rights Movement to bring about change, and in turn he met with Lyndon Johnson to work in the interest of Black people at the time. While I do not compare myself to the likes of Martin Luther King, I do believe that I can use the knowledge I have gained from this course and use to it educate others and then as a group we can exercise our political power, so that politicians are forced to actually value our opinions and not just value our vote once every four years. To go even further, understanding is important because of what it has inspired me to do with my

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