Understand Person Centred Approaches Essay

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305 – Understand person centred approaches in adult care settings - Georgina Robey

Person centred approaches are where an individual is actively involved in identifying their needs, what outcomes they want and how they would like to be supported to achieve those outcomes.
A person centred approach is about promoting independence and encouraging choice and control for an individual whilst treating them with dignity and respect.

Social care work is about people’s well being, looking at the whole person and their quality of life. Person centred values should influence all aspects of social care as:
- it makes it personal and more real,
- people are individuals with changing needs,
- eliminates complex jargon,
- promotes an …show more content…

Therefore ensuring a positive experience for the person where they feel valued and respected.

Ways to put person centred values into practice in a complex or sensitive situation:
• Talk with the individual and understand the situation.
• Find out if they would like an advocate.
• Think about positive ways to approach the situation, which will assist in supporting the person.
• Use easy read and pictorial information to support understanding.
• Involve the person and develop information e.g one page profile, communication passport; Traffic Light support tool, to support them when attending places that might not understand their needs.
• Be patient and take time:
- visit places/situations regularly to increase confidence, trust and familiarity – like the dentist
- talk and keep the person informed at all times
- give them confidence to take things at their own pace
• Use visual timetables or photographs to pre-empt anxiety

Applying person-centred values in care plans:-
- Ensures care and support is tailored to an individual's …show more content…

- Good communication with an individual and gaining consent and encouraging them to question will increase their confidence to speak up for themselves and understand it is their right to have choice and control over how their life is lead; personal and recreational - use an advocate if necessary.
- Increase awareness and encourage positive risk taking, Support the individual to have different experiences and keep a picture diary/ video of these experiences, use this to support choice in the future.
- Always provide choice, this can be tailored to the individual's capacity.
- Guidance from friends, family and professionals can help with background information and understanding of

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