Underage Performers In Canada

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Underage Performers Anna Akana once stated, “I started doing stand up when I was 19. Because I was underage at the time, at certain clubs I would be forced to wait outside until it was my time to go on stage. Then I would do my set, walk off, and be kicked out again” (“Anna Akana Quotes”). For performers, breaking out into the limelight and booking shows can be a nightmare; for underage entertainers, it is nearly impossible. Within Saskatchewan, there are regulations regarding who can and cannot perform in venues such as bars and pubs. While many venues are aware of these rules, they simply refuse to allow underage entertainers into the premises due to the sheer hassle it causes the venue. As well, owners can reject young entertainers due …show more content…

As well, the performers cannot enter the premises until directly before their performance, and must leave the moment they are finished their set. Many persons in Saskatchewan believe these rules are appropriate, and are in place for the safety of our adolescence. If minors were able to perform at venues, they would have a great deal of exposure to adult behaviours, such as vulgar language, the consumption of alcohol, and drunkenness of some patrons. As well, venue owners feel the rule could hurt their establishment, as most adults prefer to lounge in an establishment vacant of adolescence. Therefore, the more minors in the venue, the more likely adult customers will take themselves and their money elsewhere. A large section of the communities in Saskatchewan believe that allowing minors, such as underage performers, into a bar or pub will hurt the children, as well as the …show more content…

A minor entertainer often does not have many outlets to perform his art. An underage band has nowhere to play besides their parents’ basements. This lack of available venues hinders the underage performers, as they struggle to gain any sort of experience through performance. As well, many adolescent groups have to cover famous groups’ songs. This is due to the fact that no audience wants to hear a band go on stage and perform songs they have never heard. Therefore, the only way to break into the limelight and get your band out there is to play songs by more well-known bands. However, the problem with this situation is that venues such as pubs, bars, and lounges are where these cover bands are needed most. Therefore, the one place where underage cover bands are needed most, are establishments where they simply cannot play. All in all, a change needs to happen so that young, aspiring artists can project their media in a venue such as a bar or

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