Under The Influence: Noah Talbot

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I found the movie Under the Influence to be a very realistic look into the functional dysfunction of a family that is besieged by the beast known as alcoholism. I could relate to the characters in this film growing up in a home where both parent were alcoholics. I could see my family in the characters in the film. The role of Noah Talbot (Andy Griffith) the alcoholic would have been my mother or father as they both were afflicted by this terrible disease. The film did a great job of showing how the disease of alcoholism can be passed from one generation to the next. As is the case of Noah’s son Eddie played by (Keanu Reeves) who is portrayed as a heavy drinker. But I think the one of the most powerful scenes is when Noah is laying in the hospital bed talking about his own father and how once in a drunken stupor had a bad dream and leaped from the bedroom window breaking his leg. The look of serene bliss on Griffith’s face in this scene shows how Noah didn’t view his own father as a man with a problem but as a man’s man, he goes on to say in the same scene that …show more content…

I think it did a great job of showing how a family can come to view addictive and abnormal behavior as normal. I would recommend this movie to friends. I feel that it gives great insight into the dynamics of how the disease of alcoholism can trickle down the family tree affecting everyone it touches in such profound ways. Other than the lack of physical abuse I could see myself playing most of the roles the kids did as far as lost child and hero, I remember trying to fulfill most of those roles when I was younger trying anything from trying harder in school to trying to do chores to perfection in the hopes that I could through my works keep my parents from drinking. Thankfully as I got older I came to understand that their drinking was their illness not mine and until they decided they had enough I could do nothing to help them, but love and pray for

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