Uncontacted Amazon Tribe Essay

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There are many uncontacted tribes that are being put in danger due to our societies wanting more areas to get more money. The Andaman Islands are being turned into a tourist attraction causing the land the tribes have developed on to become no longer safe for them to live on. As more tribes are being discovered, people are getting curious and wanting to become close with tribe members causing illnesses to spread, killing off many tribe members. Uncontacted Amazon tribes are being put at risk due to the Brazilian government wanting to demolish their lands. These tribes are being mistreated just so that some countries can earn a few extra dollars. The more that different tribes are discovered, the more their lives are getting destroyed. All throughout the world, there are tribes living on secluded islands across the oceans. Many of these tribes are …show more content…

If their lands get demolished, they will see us as a threat and most likely attack us. “An uncontacted Amazon tribe could be at risk as Brazil makes austerity-driven budget cuts and proposals for constitutional change affecting land…” (Watson - “Brazil budget cuts put uncontacted Amazon tribe at risk, say activists”). These tribes will become hostile to us if we continue to destroy their homes. When a country discovers an uncontacted or unknown tribe, they almost immediately decide to turn the tribe into a tourist attraction. “[S]everal local operators are now starting to organize the Ultimate Human Safari in protected armored boats to the shores of North Sentinel.” (Dobson - A Human Zoo on the World's Most Dangerous Island? The Shocking Future of North Sentinel). Tribes are becoming scared of us because we invade their homes once they are discovered. The more that different tribes are discovered, the more their lives are getting destroyed. We should protect the tribes instead of hurt

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