Uncle Ray Character Analysis

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The eighth card I created was Uncle Ray’s card. He is Danny and Sofia’s uncle. He is violent, and Uncle Tommy usually has to look after him. Shortstop is very close to third base. Therefore, it is the perfect position for Uncle Ray. He plays for the Padres because it is his home team, and his whole family plays for the Padres. He is number two because he is a character I didn’t like. Since I don’t like even numbers, I made him have an even number as his team number. I chose Noel Gugliemi to portray Uncle Ray because he often portrays the typical Southern California gangster in films. Uncle Ray is definitely the typical Southern California gangster in the book, so Noel Gugliemi is the perfect person to play Uncle Ray. While reading, I pictured …show more content…

Kyle is a baseball player at Danny’s school. He is the best high school player in the nation, and every team wants him. He is a very strong hitter, and he is the only person Danny couldn’t strike out in the book. I had him play for the Los Angeles Dodgers because Kyle is a hotshot. The Dodgers are full of players who are full of themselves and think they are the best. The Dodgers are extremely popular and are often looked at as the best team. Therefore, Kyle would be the perfect match for the Dodgers. I had Kyle play in left field because left field is usually where the majority of the balls that make it to the outfield go. Kyle is a great player, so he could probably handle the pressure of being where all of the balls would be hit to. He is number four because he is a character I didn’t like. Since I don’t like even numbers, I made him have an even number as his team number. I chose Ryan Phillippe to play Kyle. While reading, I pictured Kyle to be attractive and to be a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. In every way, he seems like the perfect man. Ryan Phillippe has blonde hair and blue eyes, and he is exactly what I imagined Kyle to look like. I pictured Kyle to be 6’4 and 200 pounds while reading. He seems like a conventional player, so I had him bat and throw with his right arm. He is from San Diego, and his favorite activities and description are both based off of how Danny describes him. He seems like a hotshot, so I tried to make him seem like one. I also mention how he helped Danny grow as a

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