Uncharted, The Lost Legacy

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The latest game from Naughty Dog productions, “Uncharted, The lost legacy” is a new must play game now available on PS4 and Xbox. After playing and reading about this new action game, I can say, it is definitely one of my top 5 favorite games. A little about the game. As you play, the character who you play as is a midlife Australian women named as Chloe. This is the 5th Uncharted game. All previous games followed one another, “Story wise” but the latest has gone off those tracks and is chugging in a different direction now. The 4 Previous games were plays as Nathan Drake, a tough smart historian whom in the virtual gaming world was credited for finding 4 of the biggest treasures of all time in the last 4 games. In the new game, Nathan …show more content…

They pay attention to everything from shadows to birds chasing each other through the forest. IGN gaming reviews even say quote “Lost Legacy looks and sounds spectacular in gameplay, too. It’s peppered with iconic moments that feel like you’re in control of a giant Hollywood action scene.” Another thing that I love about this game is the strategizing. This is something every Uncharted game has. Unlike most games that use arrows to gid you on where to go and what to do. These games allow you to think and make your own path using your resources and what you have, It’s a thinking …show more content…

In every story, there's a conflict/ enemy, and in this case the enemy is a secret private military group. The leader and owner of the group is trying to find the same treasure as Chloe and Nadine. In every turn, he and his army of mercenaries is there when you least expect it and you are forced to fight or die to find what you are looking for. I think that this makes the game a lot cooler than just finding a treasure with what you know, but to do it all and try to stay alive while you are in constant gun battles and eliminating one soldier at a time. The thing is, the leader of the military group does not study the artifax and does the work. They follow the two girls, and every time they find a clue, the mercenaries do to. As you're playing the game, it;s a race of time till you or the mercenaries find the lost treasure and that makes the game a lot more interesting. Over all what matters when it comes to games is how much the people playing it liked it. I like it a lot but the rating is bigger than my own words and the rating for this game overall for gaming satisfaction from the three main game raters were, 85/100 from Metacritic.com / 7.5/10 from IGN.com & ⅘ from Common sense

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