Unbroken Bond Of Love In Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card

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Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card reveals the best example of the theme: an unbroken bond of love brings the strength and reason to succeed. There are many places which this theme could be related in the book, but the most relevant quote from the beginning of the book is when Alai shows his affection for Ender by saying the word, “Salaam”, which means peace. Ender has been assigned to his first army, Salamander Army, and Alai realized that he is his best friend, but is going to be gone for a while. “Alai nodded soberly. “Always my friend, always the best of my friends,” he said. Then he grinned. “Go slice up the buggers” (69). This quote explains that Ender has been allocated to the Salamander Army, but Ender doesn’t want to leave his friends …show more content…

Ender hugs Alai as if he was Valentine. Ender said he just wants to learn what it feels like to have a friend. Alai urges Ender to go by encouraging him that he is the best in his launch group and that he should kill some buggers. At the end, Alai kisses Ender saying “Salaam” (peace). Ender thinks the word and the kiss were forbidden, which we can infer that Ender will never forget this moment. The quote relates to the theme by showing that Ender wants to just be friends with Alai and everyone in his group. When Ender hugs Alai as if he was Valentine, it shows that Ender and Alai are known to become best friends and have a love that can’t be broken. As Alai said that Ender was the best of his group and after Alai told him to fight some buggers, it motivated Ender to succeed and move on in his training with Salamander Army. Also, the memory of Alai kissing and saying, “Salaam” will stay with Ender’s memory just like Ender’s memory of his family and Valentine stayed with him …show more content…

Ender is also faced with another conflict of not going to Command School to be trained as the commander leading the Third Invasion, and will probably have no home to return to at all because no one is able to save the Earth. Ender is humanity’s last chance to save Earth from the buggers. Ender returns to Earth after he graduated from Battle School and moved up to Command School. On Earth, Ender meets his sister he still loves, Valentine, at a private lake, and they chat about what is going on. Later on, they start to discuss about Ender going back to Command School, but Ender shows that he doesn’t want to return to space; he has hurt too many people. Finally, Valentine urges Ender that he has to go to space to fight the buggers by telling him who will take Ender’s spot as commander; Ender gives no answer. Before they go, Valentine shows how much she loves him, “I love you, Ender. More than ever. No matter what you decided” (242). Ender also thinks about the beauty of the Earth, he says that Earth is not a globe thousands of miles across; it is a forest with a shining lake, and goes into detail about the beauty of life on Earth. He begins to think about Valentine, a sister who protected him from hurt and terror, and someone who Ender would fight the buggers for; she is the one thing that matters to Ender. This quote summarizes

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