Uganda Essay

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Uganda has a diverse culture with extreme health and conflict obstacles that must be overcome in order for the country to be successful in future endeavors. The capital of Uganda is Kampala, and the country is located in East Africa along the equator. Uganda is bordered on the west by the Congo, on the north by Sudan, on the south by Rwanda and Tanzania, and on the east by Kenya. The national flag is made up of six stripes and a circle in the center with a bird inside of it. The stripes are yellow, red, and black; each color represents a different aspect of Uganda. The yellow embodies the sunshine, black signifies the people, and the red characterizes the brotherhood, symbolizing the blood that connects the people. The bird in the white circle is a grey crowned crane, which is the national bird of Uganda. (Maps of the World) Uganda has a rich culture with numerous facets that make the people and their way of life unique and interesting. The national languages of Uganda are both Swahili and English. However, only five percent of the population speaks English, and over thirty different African languages are spoken by the inhabitants. (Kurian) The cuisine of Uganda is very reflective of their culture and people. The food includes ingredients such as hot spices, chili peppers, and sauces made of various nuts. (Our Africa ) A popular dinner dish is a meat or chicken stew served with rice, chapatti, ugali, or matooke. Chapatti, similar to a tortilla made of corn, is often sold by street vendors. (Living Life: Chapati Vendor) Ugali is a rice-like porridge, and matooke is a plantain cooked in banana leaves and then mashed. Another common cuisine is the mandazi, which is sweet dough, prepared by rolling it into a ball and ... ... middle of paper ... ...technical institutes, two year Primary Teacher Colleges, and Department Training Colleges. (Kurian) Around 35% of the qualified graduates from secondary education are able to get accepted to the limited amount of institutions to further their education. The most popular Ugandan university is the Makerere University of Kampala (MUK), which is attended by approximately 95% of Uganda’s student population. (Habeeb) The post-secondary education options include government universities, religious-affiliated universities, private-secular universities, public technical colleges, and private technical colleges. (Kubuitsile) Despite the many obstacles that Uganda’s people must overcome, this extraordinary country has a rich history filled with remarkable traditions and devastating conflicts that give it the distinct character it has developed over time.

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