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Tyranny has long affected our people and for many years made it so that we are not able to be freely go after what makes us happy and what makes us feel proud of our self’s. The short story titled “The prisoner who wore glasses” by Bessie head is about a work camp in south Africa that contains a group of black men who are political prisoners. We see in this text how one of the prisoners named Brille blackmails the new warder who has been oppressing the group for the first couple of weeks he had been at the camp. With new information that the warden had been stealing fertilizer for his personal farm Brille is able to reach a more comfortable life for him and his fellow prisoners. The theme in “The prisoner who wore glasses” by Bessie head is …show more content…

In the text when the main character Brille drops the cabbages on the ground and get in trouble for it the warder get so mad he takes 3 meals from all the group which is not fair because Brille is the one who dropped the cabbages. In the text “The prisoner who wore glasses” by Bessie head it states, “never mind, brother,” they said. “What happens to one of us, happens to all.” This show greats amount of unity in the groups because they were not blaming just Brille but the whole group was able to stick by his side and they all took the punishment as if they had done the crime. Clearly the theme of unity is shown by all of the …show more content…

In the short story when they were working in the fields and where in the camps they did everything together as one and in unity. In the text “The prisoner who wore glasses” by Bessie head it states, “They lived all day on raw cabbages. They chatted and smoked tobacco. And since they moved, thought and acted as one, they had perfected every technique of group concealment.” This shows how they were truly like a family and would do everything together. Further in the text it also states, “He pulled out a four once packet of tobacco by way of explanation and the comrades fell upon it with great greed.”(Head line 95) This evidence shows how they were gratefully with one another and they both helped each other out and they loved each other and shared everything together. Clearly unity is show when they share everything they

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