Types of a Mothers Love

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Types of a Mothers Love A mother's love for her children is supposed to be something that never dies. The problem is, this 'love' can be expressed in many ways. Sometimes, the love is shown in such a way that there is no doubt that this woman would do anything for her offspring. Sometime, this love can be viewed, as a way that that the mother is trying to mold her daughter into what she believes is the 'right' way to behave. Other times, the mother is trying her best to make sure that her child is doing HER best. These three types of "love" are expressed in the three short stories "Girl," "Gravity," and "Two Kinds." The mother in "Girl" is portrayed as an overbearing monster. For some unknown reason, she has given her daughter many guidelines by which she has to live by. The reason may be that the mother was a rebel in her childhood. It could be that the mother has a vision of what her daughter is to be like. The reason is unknown. But what is known is that this mother won't take anything less than what she thinks a lady should be like. To the knowledge of the reader, the child has done nothing wrong to have to receive this reprimanding. The most demeaning section of the tirade is when the mother says "…` so to prevent you from becoming the slut you are so bent on becoming.'" (Kincaid 13) This mother, for whatever reason it may be, has the idea that her daughter, who she is SUPPOSED to love with all her heart, has her young mind set on becoming a slut. Every time the daughter tried to throw in a comment, it goes all for naught. The mother does not even respond to the comment that her child says. The problem is this story might have been resolved; it might have not been resolved. No one will know... ... middle of paper ... ...th her mother about the whole piano situation. The fight got to the point that Nikan said to her mother "Then I wish I weren't your daughter. I wish you weren't my mother." (Tan 34) Her mother was in complete shock over what she had just heard. The events that took place that afternoon were never mentioned again. The two had moved on almost like it never happened. Her mother no longer pushed her to become something her daughter believed she never could be. She either accepted her daughter for what she was, or she finally realized that her daughter had no desire, in anyway shape or form, to become a star. She didn't want to live the "American Dream." Mothers do what they feel best for their children. Maybe the children do not believe that they are meaning well. But, if you look deep into the heart of the situation, you will see that "love" is being expressed.

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