Types Of Play In Early Childhood Development

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“Through play children learn what one cannot teach them” (Hendrick, 1980:7) Play is an essential aspect in early childhood holistic growth and development. Play is a meaningful life experience it is the essence of creativity in child play it allows for freedom of power, control and intimacy with friends. According to Hedrick (1980) play nourishes every aspect of the child’s development: physical, emotional, social, intellectual and creative play is characterised by means rather than end. There are four different types of play: Constructive play, manipulative play, fantasy/socio-dramatic play and creative play all four different types of plays bring spontaneous fun, promote concentration and provide the child with choice.

It is important to know that children learn best through play. The Grade R Year known as the Reception Year is a special year that prepares the child for life and lifelong learning. Early Childhood Development has emphasised on the Grade R year following an informal traditional play based approach towards teaching and learning where children are given the daily opportunity for discovery and exploration in order for the child to learn to their fullest potential. According to du Toit and Kruger (1994) play based learning is valuable and effective there is learning in play and play in learning.

“Play creates a ‘perceptual space’ and an ‘experiential space’ in which the child can investigate reality and serves as a ‘practice space’ for cognitive acts such as language, thinking, memory and fantasy” (du Toit and Kruger, 1994: 95) Indoor and outdoor play experiences both contribute to children’s physical and mental development. Outdoor play develops motor skills there is learning that happens when a child tests their...

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...needed the teacher should be there when needed.
The Grade R year faces a lot of challenges initially Grade R was aimed to serve as a bridge year and transition from informal to formal school however people are making the mistake of constructing grade Rs as mini grade 1. The Grade R year is an important year where “young children should be continually observing, questioning, testing, discovering and practicing skills” (Reilly, 1983). According to Reilly (1983) the facilitation of an enriching environment that enhances children’s diverse play experience should ensure that there is adequate time, space and conditions of play to develop both indoor and outdoor, create tools to assess the quality of play environments and experiences, create tools to help the learning of individual children and last but not least promote the value of play and the child’s right to play.

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