Types Of A Family Essay

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I have always wondered what makes a family. Family is major part of each of our lives I believe. When we classify someone as family, do they have to be blood related? I think family is largely made up of just the people who love you; the people that care about you. Society says the definition of family is changing. A “normal family” is no longer a married man and woman and their biological children all living with each other under one roof. I am going to explore the different types of people that make a family in out society today. The first category I will start with is consanguinity. These are the people who are biologically related to each other. When a family is biologically related, people say there is a deeper connection to one another. They are related by blood. Children who are blood related to their parents are said to have more protective and strict parents. Parents are a huge part of family because they protect and raise their kids. While parents are very important so are sisters and brothers. While the parents are away the older sister can take care of the younger and vi...

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