Two Types Of Outliers: What Is An Outlier?

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There are two types of Outliers
1. Milled symbol O might be outlier.
2. Static symbol sure outlier.
To remove the outliers while using SPSS:
Path: Graph  Legacy Dialogs  Box Plot.

Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent a 23 100.0% 0 0.0% 23 100.0%

There seems that there is a milled outlier at position 8.

Always we have claims to run the test of hypothesis
First to identify is this statement weather is claimable or not.
1. Null Hypothesis always for population
• Impartial / unbiased
• Symbol = Ho

2. Alternative Hypothesis called research hypothesis
• Always contain educated test
• Study / research that’s why it is called Educated
• Alternative

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