Culture's Influence on Perception: A Misconception

532 Words2 Pages

Isaac Cassie Tre

What if I told you that your culture does not affect how you will see the world. Some people will tell you that culture plays the biggest role in how you live. If your culture plays a big role, then you would be able to notice it on a wider scale, but you don’t see it very visible in many people.

Your family does not change your point of view and perspective on how you see the world and others. This is shown in the story “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan. She points out many aspects of this in the story about her childhood. Amy made this story explaining her childhood and all the events that happened in it; she learned from the experiences and changed as a person as well. Amy’s mother wanted her to be a Chinese Shirley Temple. Her mom had many big hopes that Amy would be who she wanted her to be. Although, Amy wanted to be her own person. She didn't want to follow in the footsteps of other known people. This proves the point that family does not change your point of view on the world. Even though Amy's mom was stuck on the idea of being someone else, Amy stuck to her thoughts. Therefore, Amy didn't allow family to change how she viewed others and the world. …show more content…

Some of us like Maggie in Everyday Use by Alice Walker have seen a close person change ethnicity (her sister) but decided to not follow and stated true even though she went through such a rough time with her sister. This is a great example of how it doesn't change your view because people think that since you went through one little incident your view has changed, no that's not what happens it's about how you let that incident affect you is how it changes you or doesn't change you; in this case Maggie didn't follow her sister in her change instead she stayed with her mom and kept living the way they had

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