Turning Point Of Education

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1. What are the turning points in the narrative? What are the most important things the writer seems to learn? In this narrative, the author tracks his development as a student compared to his family life. At first, in the second grade, he tries to rely on and speak with his parents, correcting their mistakes and asking for their help on homework assignments. In the third grade, he began to keep his school and family lives separate while focusing mostly on his education. As a fourth grader, he began to adjust to how to approach his family life, however he had developed a distance from his family as he clung to his education. As a final point, in the sixth grade, he had permitted himself embarrassment at his parents’ lack of education and felt …show more content…

This is expressed through the distance he has placed between him and his family in order to pursue his education as well as the anxiety he has placed on himself due to this. He acknowledges how his success was based off of this change in his life as he shows his motivation from his teachers and the yearning for a stable environment. Thus, he learned the importance of finding solitude in order to delve into the materials he found. How the author worked hard to achieve academic greatness while ignoring what is considered one’s personal life demonstrated how he was haunted by the choice of education. The knowledge of this led him to become fragile, relying on his studies in order to find peace of mind. He later realized how this anxiety also led him to success, but in a different way from those around him. Thus, the relationship between him and his family became weaker as his obsession towards education became more …show more content…

He mentions the distance from his family and past caused through his commitment to school and the ways that his education has changed his attitude towards his family. As a thinker and writer interested in education, this concept is the main point of many topics I will look into in the future. This key idea may seem to be beneficial or harmful from the perspective of an educator, as some may see the author’s life as changed so that he can get into higher education, or others may see the change in his life as detrimental to his time with his family. These viewpoints would be able to be expanded on and balanced within my own work, providing my ideas based off of this

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