Turn Your Computer Into a Jukebox

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Turn your Computer into a Jukebox

Are you the type of person who spends twenty dollars on a CD, just because you like one song, and the remaining tracks are disappointing? Did you know that you can have your whole CD collection in your computer's hard drive? Are you tired of listening to the unexciting music played on the radio? Would you like to be able to make your own CDs? These days it is fairly cheap to have internet access and a computer that will let you record, store, discover, and download music. In the past, being able to do this was very expensive and difficult, but when the Mp3 format appeared and Cd recorders became inexpensive, this revolutionized the way we experience music. All you need is the right software and hardware to turn your computer into a high-tech jukebox.

The first step is to get internet access, purchase a CD recorder and recordable CDs. Currently, most computers come with a modem and a CD-R installed .The modem will give you internet access therefore, enabling you to download music and the software needed. Microsoft Windows also comes with the p...

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