Tuesdays With Morrie

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I feel as though I have read a fair amount of books throughout my 20 years of life, but none of them have left me thinking like I did after reading Tuesdays with Morrie. Tuesdays with Morrie is not a mushy, gushy romance novel all about how love conquers all, or a book filled with turmoil but in the end all is right. This book is quite the opposite actually. For anyone who isn’t familiar with this book, Tuesdays with Morrie was written by Mitch Albom, and tells the real life story of Mitch’s relationship with Morrie. The book begins with Mitch’s college graduation and his tearful goodbye to his favorite college professor, Morrie. Morrie tells Mitch that he hopes they will still keep in touch, to which Mitch promises that they will. Unfortunately, …show more content…

I also got a lesson from Mitch on regret. Mitch often states throughout the book that he has feelings of guilt and regret for waiting so long to see his favorite teacher again. Now that he has finally made the time to visit Morrie, he finds out that his time with his teacher is limited. Just this scenario itself made me think. First I thought, what are the odds that something like this would happen? That when two people finally come back into each others’ lives, fate steps in and threatens to end their time together at any given moment. Then I realized that this situation could happen to anyone. Tomorrow I could decide to reconnect with my best friend who moved away my freshman year of high school and in a weeks time one of us could be gone. It is not unheard of for something like this to happen. After realizing that a situation of this sort is not an impossible event, I started to think about all the people I care about that I didn’t get to speak to today. What if they were gone tomorrow? Would I regret not calling today? What makes us so sure that there is always going to be another day for us to do the things we keep putting off? The situation Mitch and Morrie are in helped me to realize that tomorrow someone I love could be gone, so it is important for me personally to never hold a grudge or leave an argument unsettled. I could never live with knowing that my last conversation with someone I love ended with an argument instead of me telling that person how much I love him or

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