Truvy Jones: The Four Levels Of Psychological Development

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The four levels of Psychological Development are the biological level, basic processes level, person level and sociocultural level. The biological level is about the brain and behaviour and cognitive abilities, and the changes that occur in the body with its various systems. The basic processes level involves the changes that occur with an individual mentally and across all. The person level is about an individual’s change in personality and their experiences with different emotions and behaviours. The sociocultural level is about an individual’s skills in interacting with others and building relationships. These four levels of Psychological Development are the categories people are analysed with. Truvy Jones Biological Level Truvy is discovered throughout the …show more content…

He would often give in to Shelby and become weak to whatever she wanted. Jackson never showed many emotions at the start of the movie, except for being happy most of the time. He was always loving towards Shelby and never showed signs of doubt. During Shelby’ pregnancy, Jackson was always optimistic despite the risk for Shelby. At the time that Shelby was dying, Jackson was always composed and tried to keep it together for the consideration of the others. The scene of Shelby’s funeral is the first time that we see Jackson break down and show his emotions. Compared to the start of the movie, we see Jackson become vulnerable and unsure of what to do. The dramatic change to Jackson life cause him to be unsure of how to deal with the situation and could not keep it together any longer. This is a significant event in developing his basic processes as a permanent level as he allowed himself to feel and mourn for Shelby. This would have forever changed Jackson’s thoughts on Shelby and his son in a way that he will never forget. His cognitions and emotions that followed this event showed how he was not as strong as he

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