Trust Issues

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Trust. One of the more touchier subjects to discuss due to the lack of honesty in people. Many people - myself included - have trust issues. Admittedly my issues are not as large as others but they are still there. Having trust in someone should show that you can share anything with each other and TRUST them not to tell anyone or stab you behind the back. Trust is something special that needs to have time and room to grow stronger and if trust is broken it can take a lot longer to regrow. For example, the trust I have with Cori - my best friend - is very strong. We have been friends since second grade and I feel like I can tell her anything, who my crushes are, who I dislike very strongly, and how I feel. Another example of trust is the trust First on the list is my mom. I may not tell her everything but if there was a time that I really need to I will tell her and trust her. Next on my list is Cori; she has been my best friend since second grade and I tell her everything and I know that she will keep my secrets and I have known her for so long know that she cares about me. After those two is my pen-pal; Emily Vanmiddendorp has been my pen-pal for quite a few years now and even though we have never met, if we did we would be inseparable. Next would be Lauren Liberty and Grace McKim. I have technically known them for quite a while now, but we have only become good friends since last July. We met at church camp and they go to the Baptist church in Maryville. We are good friends through Christ and we like to read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. Another thing that we have in common is our love for music and Broadway. Finally the only boy on my list - and no he is not my boyfriend - is James (Jimi) Elder. He is a sophomore at Tarkio and we go to the same church and youth group. I mainly talk to him over text-messaging, but her knows almost as much as my other friends. I see him as my older brother because he seems to always be

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