Trump: Hate Crimes In The United States

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Trump caused all of this, he is to blame. Reporters of these cases came to conclusions; "It became so clear — at least in many people's minds — that the Trump presidency represented a kind of white nationalism, and we saw people who have white nationalist ideas or tendencies just go crazy," (Jaeger). It is clear that since the number of hate crimes went up directly after the election, that it was caused by Trump winning. Since Trump made the idea of a “white nationalism” (Jaeger), than in return, people against that or for it, will want to expose as much of their opinion as possible. Trump is an unqualified candidate, who encourages the disgraceful behavior of his followers. He caused a lot of commotion within the U.S, and in some cases it …show more content…

Some have vandalized Trump’s property to get their message across. Since at times it may be difficult to share your point of view, citizens decided to go directly to the source “Trump campaign headquarters were vandalized with the word ‘No’ the day after the election” (Miller). People are going out of their way, by vandalizing Trump’s campaign headquarters to show they are anti-Trump. This has caused many public outbursts of hate crimes based on the results of the election. If Trump did not want citizens to harm others based on what he has told them, Trump should not have explicitly been racist and setting a horrid example for his supporters. It is a bad look for him, no president should act like that if they want to be taken seriously. While Trump has mainly been racist, actions of discrimination have gone to a further level; “A seemingly sharp uptick in incidents of racist harassment and assault across the country. There have been reports of apparently Trump-inspired sexual harassment and anti-LGBTQ attacks as well” (Schwartz). Trump is the reason for a rise in discrimination. He made people who typically do not act like this, to do so. Hate crimes have been widely spread “‘They’ve been everywhere — in schools, in places of business like Wal-Mart, on the street,’ Richard Cohen president of the SPLC said” (Golding). Here, Richard Cohen describes what hate crimes have been like, due to the cause of the election. It is interesting that Trump can change so much of America without the intention. If this is an action that was not on purpose, the powers he would have if it was planned would be

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