Trum Newspaper Article Analysis

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Write down the newspaper article headlines and provide an analysis of each and how it assists in the control of truman. “Who needs Euro?” This newspaper article headline is talking about “Seahaven planet's top town.” This newspaper article could assist in the control of Truman by having him think that Seahaven is the perfect town and that there is nothing wrong in that town and if they are named planet's top town then he will think it is perfect and that nothing is wrong with the town. The newspaper article headline “Crackdown on homeless.” Could lead Truman to believe that the homeless man wasn’t his dad and that they were taking away the homeless man to clean up the town and not to take him away from Truman. …show more content…

The quote “Television, with insatiable hunger for material, has made celebrities into content.”, relates to Truman because people are watching him on television and they are in a way hungry for the Truman show and watching him for entertainment. They have an unsatisfiable hunger for watching Truman. They can't get enough of it and all of the actors in the show have become celebrities.

6. “We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.” This quote relates to the Allegory Of The Cave and Truman himself because in both situations they are only being presented part of the world. The part they are being presented is all they know and they learn to accept it and that is how they see the world. They don't know any more than they are presented. All the people in the cave know the wall and the pictures that go on the wall and Truman only knows seahaven.

7. Christof is not right because Truman can't live a normal life if he hasn't even seen the real world. Seahaven isn't the place to live because nothing in it is real. He needs to see the real world to be able to live a normal life. I don't really think there is any benefits to living in seahaven no matter how “great” Christof tries to make it sound. I wouldn't want to live in a world where everybody is lying to me and acting without telling me the

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