Compare And Contrast To My Dear And Loving Husband

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Every poem has a theme or general message that is conveyed by the poet to give a poem meaning. A theme is important to give the reader the importance of the poem and insight into the thought process behind the poem itself. If any work of literature did not have a theme it would literally fall apart even before the reader could finish reading. Theme is necessary to understanding works of literature and create a connection with the authors or poets themselves. “To My Dear and Loving Husband” a poem by Anne Bradstreet has many possible themes, but two that just literally jumps off, the pages are true love and how to cope with a loved ones passing. These two may not be apparent themes at first, but as the reader is pulled deeper into the poem it becomes more ostensible.
The poet’s word choices help the reader to come to a …show more content…

On the surface, it may not seem like there is anything written about death, but looking deeper inside the poem the reader can start to notice it. The poet’s word choice in this quote, “or all the riches that the East doth hold” the East refers to the rebirth and bringing the reader to believe the wife believes in an afterlife (6). The wife may believe in an afterlife to be with her husband again in another life. “The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray,” that when they are to pass their love will extend to heaven and they we be together in heaven (10). The wife and husband want to live on throughout their lives in a way, even if they die their love will still be there. The wife is writing this to her husband or about him giving the reader more of the assumption that either it could just be love letter or she is writing it for a purpose that is more upsetting and heartfelt the way she talks about their love and then about it living on beyond their

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