Trip To San Mexican Museum Essay

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Our last weekend in California, my friend and I visited the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Our colleagues had recommended SFMOMA so much that we couldn’t pass up the opportunity. We were both glad we didn’t. Since we'd been to the city a couple of times already, we found our destination without too much delay or confusion. We arrived at the museum at around 10 am and went straight to the top floor. When I stepped into the museum I had no idea what to expect. I hadn’t read about it before or given much thought to it. All I knew was the location and that friends I cherish cherished going there. I went with an open mind and an ignorant innocence. The top floor—Soundtracks—had all kinds of acoustic exhibits that played with our auditory emotions. The first thing I saw was a collection of wooden instrumental mechanics. There were wheels and copper strings, wheeling about, creating music while they did. One tiny electric motor powered the entire exhibit. As the main wheel spun, copper strips made contact with each other transmitting and emitting sound waves. I can't work science …show more content…

As I moved on to other exhibits, I noticed that most of them were everyday objects. There was a large pond, for instance, filled with ceramic bowls. The bowls floated on their own, clinking with each other making metallic music as they did so. It wasn’t new—we've all seen and heard ceramic vessels knock against each other. But it's amazing how seldom we notice its musicality. Another interesting piece of art was glasses stuck to the wall. Visitors (myself included) assumed that the glasses exude sound and tried putting their ears to it. It took the museum supervisor to explain to us that it’s just art and not a sound machine. Even then, I felt a faint echo coming from the glasses. The exhibits on the floor testified that anything and everything could be music that we expected the glasses would be, too. It was as if the exhibit had created an auditory

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