Trio Program Advantages And Disadvantages

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The Trio Program here at Elgin Community College is to help students with disadvantaged backgrounds, such as documented disabilities (learning or physical), financial problems (low-income family/household) and those who are a 1st generation college student (parent(s)/legal guardian(s) didn’t graduate from a 4-year college). The Trio program provides 3 different programs, which is: (1) The Trio Student Services (SSS), (2) The Trio Student Services English as a second language (SSS/ESL), and (3) The Trio Upward Bound (UB).
A manager in the Trio office named Steve Aguilar provided more information about the trio program. Steve is the only manager in the trio office and he helps manage trio, students with college gives the students advice and guidance through college. To be enrolled in the program, students have to be a 1st gen college student, financial need and have a learning or physical disability. The Trio program provides career & academic planning, help with …show more content…

Trio student support service programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Education and their goal for the programs are to encourage and assist underrepresented students who are in preparation and completion of a college education. Trio services offer career & academic planning, tutorial support, info with financial aid & scholarships, assistance with college applications & transfer, visitation to 4yr institutions, workshops addressing various aspects of college life, leadership development activities, cultural & social activities, referral to a college & community support services, and computer & study lounge access at the trio offices. To enroll in the trio service programs, must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, a registered ECC student, and meet one or more of these requirements: (1) 1st gen college student, (2) financial need, and (3) documented learning or physical disability

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