Tre's Use Of Sound In Boys N The Hood

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In Boys n the hood, the film aesthetic, sound, contributed significantly to the overall story as well as capturing the audience’s attention for, what can be, an uncomfortable topic to face for some people. The film relied on sound to set up the audience awareness and audience expectations of what was to come. For example, the constant repetition of the whirring of the helicopter always brought the audience back to the cold reality that even when Tre or Ricky’s mind wandered in what could happen with the prospect of escaping out of South Central, they are harshly brought back to reality by the roaming spotlight and whirring of the rotors. The constant sounds of the helicopter overhead and police sirens all around helped construct the audience’s awareness of the neighborhood they were being injected into. This helped from the very beginning of the film to immerse the audience in the dangerous yet, surprisingly, relatively unknown to the outside world at the time the film was produced.
Another aspect of the film that sound helped develop was the audience’s …show more content…

When Tre is being dropped off at his father’s house and the audience is introduced to doughboy and Ricky. Here the way that doughboy talks compared to Ricky and Tre foreshadows how the individuals in the group have a very different future ahead of them. Doughboy spoke to Tre’s father with a lot of slang, curse words and overall a disrespectful attitude towards the adult. Tre however is the complete opposite of Doughboy, talking in eloquent sentences and overall very respectful of his father when he is asked to clean the yard. This theme continues throughout the entire film and is highlighted again when the neighborhood is celebrating doughboy’s release from jail with a barbeque. Tre tells the men at the party to be gentlemen and let the ladies eat first. Doughboy immediately agrees but calls the ladies

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