Tree Stand Benefits

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"Wow look at the view!" Many hunters in 2017 have debates on whether hunting from a tree stand for deer is more advantageous, than hunting from the ground. The reasons why tree stand hunting has great advantages to hunting from the ground. The four biggest advantages of hunting from a tree stand offers are, concealing movement, scent control, mobility and vantage points to see deer.
Many hunters still believe hunting from the ground is the most effective way to kill deer. Hunting from the ground can be effective, but the many draw backs to hunting from the ground hunter do not have while hunting from a tree stand. A hunter’s movement is more readily seen by deer, when at ground level. Also, hunter’s scent is more concealed when hunting from the stand. The option for the hunter to change locations is greatly hindered for ground hunting. The lower vantage point to see the deer greatly decreases the hunter odds of …show more content…

The reason why movement is not as big of a problem out of a stand is, “The average height of a full grown male whitetail is approximately 3 to 4 foot"(American Expedition). So, if the hunter is fifteen to twenty-five feet up a tree the deer’s eye level is below the level of the hunter. The tree canopy can also aid in concealing the hunter’s movement. Many hunter’s think deer have bad vision, which is not completely true. What hunters do not realize is that deer are very suspicious of movement. Deer are constantly look for movement to avoid predators. The predators that commonly attack deer are on ground level, like mountain lions, and coyotes which are ground based predators. Deer are looking for predators on the ground not in the trees. So, with hunting from a tree stand the deer is less likely to see the hunter moving. So being above a deer’s head the is less likely to see the hunter’s movements. Thus, keeping the deer calm and not skittish. Unlike when hunting from the

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