Treatment Of Women In Medea

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The More Things Change the More Things Stay the Same

Within the play “Medea” there are several moments where the author seems to be critiquing or making a comment on Athenian society. The Athenian’s prided themselves on their advanced and “enlightened” thinking’s and beliefs. Despite this however, the Athenians treated women no better than many of their contemporaries in Greece. This is made apparent several times throughout the play as Medea comments on the treatment of women within society, and in the way Medea is often treated throughout the play for not only being a woman but for being and foreign woman, an intelligent foreign woman. This is still seen in modern society. America is often lauded for being an advanced country and yet the treatment of women in society in equal to that of men. Women are still ridiculed for their intelligence and achievements, often making less than men who have less qualification then themselves. Women who are “foreign” to those around them are often degraded and discriminated against. Whether that …show more content…

She tells of the risks involved in marriage, the possibility of being essentially sold off to some monster, the dangers of child birth, and the shame should a woman be unable to conceive and then be returned to her family. Within this she speaks of how women’s fears and wants are seen as frivols and vain. Women’s fears and desires are often mocked and ridiculed today as well. Women complaining about catcalling are told they are ungrateful and should be glad to receive compliments, even though these “compliments” are often unwanted advances that cause women to fear sexual violence and that they are merely objects. It’s also not uncommon for people to ridicule women for complaining about pregnancy, even though it is a long, uncomfortable, painful and sometimes dangerous term that permanently change a woman’s

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