Treatment Of Women In Homer's Odyssey

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In Homer's Odyssey women are viewed in many ways some of the women are said to be cruel while others are wise. Even though the women have manly characteristics in the Odyssey they are still treated in a certain way because of their gender. In modern day society we still face problems of how women are treated by the opposite gender such as the Odyssey. For example, Circe is a beautiful goddess she is also very helpful and loving. In Homer’s Odyssey Circe is serving Odysseus in way. She does everything she can to help him she is also very charming she makes Odysseus get attached to her. There are also women like Calypso she’s a beautiful goddess, but she has a big ego. Calypso treats Odysseus oppositely of Circe. Calypso is demanding, and she …show more content…

On the other hand, you have women who accept their place in the world and they let men handle some of the tougher situations. Later, in the book a character named Penelope airs who is a very independent woman. Penelope used her wisdom, so she wouldn’t be forced into marriage so would trick the suitors. Even though Penelope was just as smart as the men she was still looked down upon. An example of gender inequality nowadays is when women are expected to stay at home because they are not fit to work like men. That is a widely known example of how women are treated lesser than men. Also, if you haven’t noticed there are no women president throughout history is that men looking down upon women or society thinking women can’t handle a job like a man. Personally, I believe in Homer’s Odyssey men are sexist I also can relate to that in real life. In the story and in real life women are mostly judged on how they look. The way women are pictured in the Odyssey is based on appearance, the things men can get from them, and whether the woman has control over a group of men. During Odysseus' adventure to the underworld he passes many different types of

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