Traveller's Role In The Vietnam War

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Traveller Career books are often very hard to review because of the inevitable blowback of “I don’t want to play a XYZ” or “what does it matter because I am retired anyhow”. Classic Traveller solved this problem quite elegantly with Mercenary – posturing the future would be run by small bands of semi-professionalized soldiers to fight in small wars and leaving the big wars to a vague notion of planetary & imperial armies bisecting with the omnipresent – Imperial Marine. Perhaps, it is the effect that Warhammer had on Traveller or just the fact that many servicemen (women) do play Traveller they wanted to see their experiences and stories told. There was finally a half-hearted attempt with GURPS Traveller Ground Forces and a smidgen gets …show more content…

And, given that Traveller is often touted as the Second Age of Sail, it might be natural for authors to follow Weber’s lead. I am very happy to report that was not path taken by GKGs. Here is an honest to goodness account of modern warfare told from the perspective of those who have “boots on the ground”. GKG has the right measure of enhancements from the Traveller rulebook with the default Traveller background (generic SF) and a future-present feel to the book and done in the economy of a small press imprint. Nice transitions with purple prose make a great alteration between just dry Tables & Charts or dreary rules. Great art and well thought out rules/supplementary materials make this a worthy addition to any Traveller campaign. Although, firmly grounded in the ATU of the Clement Sector – it could be expanded perhaps to include a 2300AD milieu – it does work best only with the …show more content…

For some it heralds the return of the uber-warrior where battle dress is a man-sized mecha a la Warhammer 40K or is more Battlelords with sleek vehicles that reconfigure for different world conditions. The whole idea of a standing army also means what to do during peace times and this is scarcely addressed; and on the converse side – is the Hub Federation engaging in all-out war with a foe larger than pirates? For the Third Imperium was founded upon many successful anti-piracy raids combining with new technology. Is the Hub Federation moving toward the Third Imperium model – then it would mean that war is around the corner. Or is it moving toward the TNE model many small human polities waging war against each other as much as they war among themselves. Time will

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