Trauma In Oryx And Crake

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“Trauma is the psychoanalytic form of apocalypse, its temporal inversion. Trauma produces symptoms in its wake, after the event, and we reconstruct trauma by interpreting its symptoms, reading back in time.” (Berger 20) James Berger uncovers just how literary scholars have turned to notions of trauma as tools to examine historical catastrophe. The effects of catastrophe, as he claims, “may be dispersed and manifested in many forms not obviously associated with the event” this is a recurring theme in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake. This dispersal happens when traumatic effects transpire that may seem unrelated to a traumatic event. Although it cannot be adequately contained or comprehended when it occurs, its impact is not felt until many years later. These repressed and unresolved effects will continue to haunt the present because the traumas have the ability to permeate throughout a person’s life events (past, present, and future).
Oryx and Crake is a novel about one man’s struggle to survive in a world where he may be the last human alive. He faces this struggle after power corporations start a plague through their manipulations with genetic engineering. Crakers, a genetically modified group of people are the only other survivors of this catastrophe. Margaret Atwood chooses to tell this story through the vantage point of a man named Snowman (once known as Jimmy). As he reminisces about his life, this science fiction novel captures just how events unresolved in the past continue to haunt the present. This is revealed through Snowman’s inability to connect to humans. His isolation is prevalent throughout the book; and his life.
A persistent and present theme seen is Jimmy’s wavering connection to humans start with his ea...

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...e over unfortunately this was short lived and Oryx was taken from him. Crake kills her and Jimmy shoots him in turn. Hence, once again, leaving Jimmy isolated in life.
According to Freud, “overwhelming events in one’s personal history could be internally censored and repressed, yet interminably return in the present under the guise of somatic symptoms, as in hysteria”. Snowman’s obsessive memories is a result of all the trauma Jimmy faces throughout the novel; the loss of his mother, Delores, Killer and lastly Oryx and Crake. Jimmy is then left with the task of caring for the Crakers which he believes are the only other sensitive beings on the planet. Jimmy feels a sense of obligation because they become a living representation of his loss. He needs them just as much as they need him. The Crakers are pivotal in Snowman’s survival in this post-apocalyptic world.

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