Trapped-Personal Narrative

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Trapped-Personal Narrative Today is a day I have longed for all my life. The day when i become a man. For twelve years I was told, 'no' and 'your time will come'. but today is that day and everything is perfect. The sky is a clear blue and the crisp green grass is still wet with dew. The sun is rising and the forest we will hunt in is in view. The beautiful blue against the vast mass of green is a sight I have only been told of. Now to see it straight ahead of me is like being fed the most glorious food after a thousand years of starvation. Father breaks the steady rhythm of our walk and calls my name. "Jesepe, I have told you many times of the white man that have invaded our lands. Today is the first time, as you know, that you will be hunting with the rest of our tribe. Some of the tale you have heard of the white man have truth to them, but most are pure myth. Before you enter the forest I need to educate your innocent mind." Father continued to speak for what seemed to me a lifetime. He paused and finally said, "Remember all I have taught you and be alert at all times and in everything you do. Today is your day and what it has in store for you will determine your name within our tribe." I listened tentatively to what my wise father said and nodded to each point he made. My cousin presented me with my first spear and gently kissed me on the right cheek, this was one of many rituals within our tribe. In a long horizontal line stood my uncles, cousins and other relatives dear to my heart began the pre-hunting chant. Father's last gaze and nod of his head told me to enter the enchanting forest. This is hopeless, utterly hopeless! I have broken away from the tribe

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